Swedish shrimp sandwich

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I don´t cook Swedish food very often but I do make this Swedish shrimp sandwich often! It takes minutes to make and it looks and tastes amazing!

For this shrimp sandwich Swedish I like to use peeled shrimp in lake. Just because it is an easy option.

Here is where my obsession with food really is noticeable. For this shrimp sandwich with mayo I like cucumber slices to be as thin as possible! For me different shapes of pasta taste different and same goes for how cucumber is sliced. 😀

When it comes to egg for this shrimp sandwich with egg I like it har boiled. But feel free to experiment!

Any green leaf salad work well for this shrimp sandwich easy recipe, but I really like peppery arugula in combination with the rest of the flavors.

If you liked this simple recipe for shrimp recipe easy, leave me a comment and let me know!

For more food inspo like this sandwich with shrimp, check out my Instagram where I post daily and my Pinterest account.

Swedish shrimp sandwich



Total time




  • 300 gr shrimp in lake (peeled)

  • 2 slices of bread

  • 2 tsp mayo

  • 2 handfuls green leaf salad like arugula, mache..

  • ½ cucumber

  • 8 cherry tomatoes

  • 2 eggs

  • Handful of dill

  • Salt


  • Place egg in a small pot, cover with water. Bring to boil and cook for 7 minutes. Drain, peel and cut into slices.
  • Drain shrimp.
  • Wash and dry the salad. Cut cucumber into thin slices, tomatoes into quarters.
  • To assemble, spread thin layer of mayo over each piece of bread. Add the green leaf salad, top with cucumber slices, pieces of tomatoes. Layer over egg slices, season. Top with shrimp and some dill.
  • Enjoy!

For more Swedish recipes check link bellow!

Swedish chocolate cake

Janssons frestelse – potato anchovie casserole

Saffron cake with berries

Fish soup



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