Naturally dyed Easter eggs

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First time I dyed Easter eggs was just a couple of years ago. I used the same natural dyes and I loved the process. And of course, the colors of the eggs which were so beautiful, subtle and natural.

Happy Easter egg dyeing and Happy Easter!

Naturally dyed Easter eggs

Course: Savory dishes


Total time






  • 8 eggs ( I used white eggs)

  • 3 dl peeled and grated beets + 6 dl water

  • 2 tbsp turmeric + 3 dl water

  • 2 tbsp ground pepper + 3 dl water

  • 3 tbsp loose green tea + 3 dl water

  • 2 tbsp black tea + 3 dl water

  • 1 tbsp vinegar per 2,5 dl dye-the liquid remaining after simmering


  • In a pot add cold water and eggs. Place on a high heat, bring to boil then continue boiling for 12 minutes. Remove from the heat, discard the water and let the eggs come to room temperature.
  • Place grated beets and green tea, each in separate pot, add water, bring to boil then reduce the heat to simmering point. Cover each pot with a lid and simmer for 1 hour or until you reach deep purple and green color.
  • Place turmeric, ground pepper and black tea each in separate pot, add water, bring to boil then reduce the heat to simmering point. Cover each pot with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes or until you reach deep yellow, orange and brown color.
  • When you have reached the desired color, remove the pots from the heat. Strain into bowls/jars where you will be adding eggs and leave until the liquids cool down. Add vinegar to each dye. Add the hard boiled eggs. If they are not completely submerged turn them every so often to reach as even coloring as possible. Leave in fridge for around 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours take the eggs out of the bowls/jars and place on a peace of kitchen paper. Then using some more kitchen paper scrub of the outer layer of the dye.

Recipe Video



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