Cooked cauliflower with potatoes, baked fish and green salad

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I lived in Croatia up until I was seven years old. I lived with my mom and grandparents. And in our household, it was usually my grandma that was cooking. She would often cook Serbian but also Mediterranean dishes like this one. The food was light, with lots of vegetables and not much meat.

Cauliflower and potatoes prepared this way go with chicken as well, or just salad, but fish really works the best!

Cooked cauliflower with potatoes, baked fish and green salad

Course: Savory dishes


Total time






  • 2 heads of cauliflower

  • 3-4 medium size potatoes

  • 6 dl milk

  • 4-6 garlic cloves

  • 2 dl olive oil

  • 2 tbsp flour

  • 5 whole white flesh (sea) fish

  • 3 lemons

  • 3 heads of green leaf salad

  • Couple of bunches of green/spring onions

  • Olive oil and vinegar for salad

  • Salt


  • Wash and cut cauliflower into halves or quarters, just so it can fit better into the pot.
  • Wash, peel and cut potatoes into thick slices.
  • Chop garlic into fine pieces. Cut lemon into slices.
  • Fill big pot (big enough to fit all the cauliflower) with water and bring to boil. When the water is boiling, season with salt, add 3dl of milk and cauliflower bits. Cook on high heat for around 5min or until the smell of cauliflower is not as strong. Discard the cooking liquid and place cauliflower into cold bath to stop cooking.
  • Divide cauliflower into florets.
  • Fill a big pot (big enough to fit all the potatoes and cauliflower) with water, bring to boil then season with salt, add 3dlmilk and potatoes. Cook until potatoes are almost cooked through. Then add cauliflower florets and cook until potatoes and cauliflower are cooked through.
  • In a small pan heat up the olive oil, add flour and mix well. Remove from the heat, add chopped garlic then return to the heat and cook until garlic becomes fragrant. Add to the potato and cauliflower and bring to boil once more. Cook for only a couple of minutes then remove from the heat.
  • Cover a large oven pan with baking paper and drizzle over with some olive oil. Place fish on to the pan. Make a few cuts on each side of each fish. Season with salt, place a couple of slices inside each fish and around if there are any left.
  • Bake at 180 °C until cooked through. Time depends on how big the fish are.
  • Wash green leaf salad and break of all the leaves. Wash and remove the ends from green onions. Place all into a salad bowl, season with salt, olive oil and vinegar to taste.
  • To serve, place one half of fish onto each plate, add a couple of ladles of cauliflower and potato mixture and some green salad on a side.

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