Blueberry muffins with crumb topping

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These are the easiest blueberry muffins ever. They come together in minutes and flavor is outstanding!

I like to use mixture of frozen and fresh blueberries. Frozen break during mixing and baking and add more juice to the dough while fresh tend to stay whole and so when you eat the muffin they pop.

You can add the crumb topping and bake with the muffins. That way some of the topping will bake into the muffins and will turn out more brown color. I like to bake it separately so that I can remove it from the oven when its light brown. And because I am adding it on top of baked muffins crumb topping will be more visible.

I also like to double glaze for extra lemony sweet flavor!

Blueberry muffins with crumb topping

Blueberry muffins with crumb topping

Course: Desserts


Total time




  • Muffins
  • 400 gr frozen and fresh blueberries

  • 2 eggs

  • 2,5 dl sugar

  • 3 dl yogurt

  •  2 dl oil

  • 6 dl flour

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • 12 muffin cases

  • Crumb topping
  • 1,2 dl sugar

  • 2 tbsp flour

  • 2 tbsp cold butter

  • 1/2 lemon zest

  • Glaze
  • 115 gr powdered sugar

  • 1 lemon zest

  • 1/2 lemon juice


  • In a bowl mix flour with baking powder.
  • In a big boll add eggs, sugar, vanilla then mix using electric mixer until frothy.
  • Add oil, yogurt and a third of flour mixture. Mix in with spatula until you can see no more flour. Add second third of the flour mixture and mix again. Add last third of flour mixture, mix until incorporated then add blueberries. Mix in briefly.
  • Divide batter between muffin cases. Fill each 2/3 full.
  • Bake at 180 °C for around 35minutes. Muffins should be light brown and if you insert a toothpick it should come out clean or with some crumbs on it. That means that they won´t be dry.
  • Leave to cool.
  • For the crust, in a small bowl add butter, sugar, flour and lemon zest the mash with a fork, or you can use your fingers. Mixture would look like wet sand with some bigger pieces of butter. Transfer to a baking dish lined with baking paper and bake at 180 °C until lightly brown. Mix once or twice during baking because mixture tends to stich together.
  • For the glaze, in a bowl add sugar, lemon juice and zest and mix using a spoon or small whisk until smooth.
  • When muffins are cools, drizzle over with some of the glaze then top each with the crumb topping.
  • I like to add another drizzle of glaze before serving for extra lemony sweet flavor.

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