Wild mushroom risotto

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We are off to another Italian adventure. This time north! And this time my husband prepared this creamy and cheesy wild mushroom risotto. Which looks, smells, and tastes divine!

This is my ideal midweek dinner which I also like to have for lunch the next day. I know risotto should be served fresh and warm, but I do enjoy this even the next day! This risotto takes around 30-40minutes to make. It makes for a beautiful presentation and makes any weekday feel special!

For this risotto you can use only fresh mushrooms. That would also make the process quicker.

These dried and cremini mushrooms, but especially dry have pretty strong taste, so we like to use vegetable stock which is mild in flavor. But if you like stronger tasting risotto you can use mushroom or chicken stock.

If you want even more depth of flavor you can add bacon just before you start adding onion and celery. We chose to have it vegetarian this time, but I do love both versions!

What is your favorite risotto and have you tries mushroom risotto?

Wild mushroom risotto

Wild mushroom risotto

Course: Vegeterian


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 1 brown onion

  • 1 stalk of celery

  • 2 tbsp butter

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 4 dl risotto rice

  • 1 dl white wine

  • 400 gr fresh cremini mushrooms

  • 40 gr dried mushrooms (we used porcini and chanterelle)

  • 2 dl warm water for dried mushrooms

  • 8 dl vegetable stock

  • Few stalks of fresh thyme

  • 50 gr grated Parmigiano or Pecorino cheese


  • Place dried mushrooms in a small bowl and cover with water. Let sit for around 20minutes then chop roughly.
  • Chop onion and celery not too finely. Cut fresh mushrooms into bite size chunks.
  • Add a tablespoon of butter to a large pot with high sides. Drizzle over with olive oil and turn heat to medium-high.
  • When butter has melted add chopped onion and celery. Stirand cook until soft and transluscent. Add rice, stir briefly. Then add wine and cook until alcohol evaporates.
  • Add both kinds of mushrooms, thyme them stir again.
  • Add a few ladels of stock and water from the dried mushrooms. Stir, bring to boil and continue cooking until almost all of the liguid has been absorbed. Then add more liquid and repeat the proces when you have used up all the liquid. This takes around 20 minutes.
  • In the end rice should be cooked al dente and risotto should be creamy and not dry.
  • When rice is cooked add another tablespoon of butter, a grating of Parmigiano. Stir and taste. Add more salt if it needs. Then cover with a lid and let sit just for a couple of minutes.
  • Serve with another grating of Parmigiano, a drizzle of olive oil and a few leaves of fresh thyme.

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